Located Upstairs at Big Cat's Gymnastics
311 N 6th Ave
Durant, OK 74701

Sarah Grace is the owner of Connect ~ 2 ~ Learning LLC. She is a Certified Academic Language Therapist (CALT) who has completed twenty-six years of teaching in public education. Her teaching experience includes the following: First Grade, Third Grade, Fifth Grade, and Special Education. Sarah Grace holds a Master’s Degree in School Counseling and two Bachelor’s Degrees: Elementary Education and Accounting. She has also achieved National Board Early Childhood Generalist Certification during her teaching career. Mrs. Grace has a passion for helping prevent
reading difficulties and remediating dyslexia.
What is a Certified Academic Language Therapist (CALT)?
Certified Academic Language Therapists are not tutors. They are specially trained to work with students with dyslexia and related language-based learning differences. They have completed extensive training in a multisensory structured language program. Dyslexia therapy can only be implemented by a Certified Academic Language Therapist (CALT). A CALT provides diagnostic, explicit, systematic Multisensory Structured Language intervention which builds a high degree of accuracy, knowledge, and independence for students with written-language disorders, including dyslexia.
Contact Sarah Grace and schedule a free consultation.
Email: literacy@connect2learningdurant.com
Call: (580) 775-3542
Are you ready to enroll?
SCHEDULE INITIAL ASSESSMENT: The Dyslexia Therapist will determine which multi-sensory intervention program is best for the student, based on the assessment results.
SIGN ENROLLMENT CONTRACT: The Dyslexia Therapist and parent(if the student is under 18) will determine the best days of the week and times for the remediation sessions. Students enrolled in the Take-Flight, BUILD, and Pre-Flight Programs are required to attend therapy a minimum of two times a week, and additional days can be arranged. Those enrolled in Specific Skills must attend a minimum of once a week, and additional days can be arranged. Contracts will be signed before sessions begin.